- "Lambination 2" Compilation CD (Deadlamb Records):
Tidy international (well Europe and USA) punk compilation introducing a raft of bands and assorted styles from all over the place and some of them are well worth checking out while some are certainly not worth bothering with being as generic as they come. There's a 4 page booklet with contacts for everyone involved. A bigger booklet would have been nice but it's well priced and available from for $5 plus postage so get it and help support small labels today. (DO)
21 Tracks werden hier weitestgehend oder tatsächlich vollkommen
unbekannte Bands gefeaturet. Dead Lamb Records sind in Irland
beheimatet. Die Bands auf diesem Sampler kommen aus Schweden,
England, Norwegen, Irland, USA, Ungarn, Kanada und Deutschland.
Hier geht es "quer durch den Garten", soll heißen von Tracks,
die an frühen 80er-Hardcore erinnern, über
Midtempo-England-Style-Punkrock bis hin zu schnellen,
melodischen Punksongs, ist hier die gesamte Breite des
Underground vertreten. Eine gute Gelegenheit, mal wieder "Neuland"
zu betreten. Sicherlich liegen manche Songs unter dem so
genannten "Standard", was zum Beispiel den Sound der Aufnahme
betrifft, trotzdem kommt der Sampler absolut schlüssig,
kraftvoll und kompakt rüber - aber darum geht es auch gar nicht.
Den vertretenen Bands wird eine Plattform geboten, auf der auch
mal etwas trashigere Übungsraumaufnahmen ihren Platz finden. Und
dennoch scheint jede einzelne Combo ihre eigene Website zu
besitzen, alle Adressen sind im Booklet aufgeführt. Wer also
Interesse hat, weitere Infos zu sammeln, wird hier bestens
bedient. Einzelne Songs aufzuführen, macht keinen Sinn, selbst
besorgen und reinhören. (54:37) (7) (Zahni Müller)
© by OX-FANZINE / Ausgabe 72
(Roughly Translated to English)
On 21 TRACKs here as far as possible or actually perfectly unknown of volume is gefeaturet. DEAD Lamb record are resident in Ireland. Volume on this Sampler come from Sweden, England, Norway, Ireland, the USA, Hungary, Canada and Germany. Here “across the garden”, should means of TRACKs, which remind of early 80's-hard core, over Midtempo England Style Punkrock up to to snap, melodischen Punksongs is, is the entire width of the Underground represent here. A good opportunity to enter times again “new ground”. Surely some Songs is under the “standard in such a way specified”, which concerns for example the sound of the admission, nevertheless comes the Sampler absolutely conclusively, strong and compactly more rüber - however around it it does not go also at all. Represented volume a platform is ordered, on which also times somewhat trashigere exercise area photographs find their place. And each individual Combo seems nevertheless to possess their own Website, all addresses is specified in the Booklet. Who has thus interest to collect further information one serves in the best way here. Individual Songs to specify, does not make a sense, procures and clean-hears. (54: 37) (7) (Zahni Mueller) © by OX-FANZINE/expenditure 72
2 -
Yet another international comp. Bands from
Sweden, UK, Norway, USA, Ireland, Hungary, Canada and Germany.
21 bands, none of whom I'd previously heard of. And like most
comps, certainly good for taking a plunge into the unknown.
Largely on the more tuneful melodic end of punk, whether that be
of the '77, UK82, or power pop variety. Not much thrash, chugga
hardcore, or ska peeking out there. And a pretty decent quality
overall. I was glad to make the acquaintance of Canada's
Sperm use of
humour, and sax, in their driving punk. If you're looking for
something new to check out/get into, this might just be the
place to dive in. And you certainly wouldn't say that about all
comps... (Ramsey Kanaan - March 2007 #286)