(DL31) SAVE THE EMBERS - Embers &
Rate: 8 Stars
2015 is the year this was released and I'm
really glad I got this record now. Really fast punk rock that almost goes by the
epithet hardcore. It's the type of punk rock that really touches me. With a
singer who sounds and music that just crackles out of my speakers. If I were to
say Agnostic Front you say they are great, I would say Save The embers then I
say great so why not try something new in much the same style.11 hard songs to
gild your surroundings with or why not scare the neighbours by putting this on
really loud. I hold the group really high as well and I have to say that this is
one of the best hardcore albums I've heard in recent years and I'm very happy to
be a part of it even though it's been 7 years since it came out... I really hope
more people will listen to the group now after this and I would also hope the
group did something more but maybe that's fine with it considering it was seven
years ago last time. 7/12-2022
Skrutt Magazine

(DL31) SAVE THE EMBERS - Embers &
SAVE THE EMBERS kommen aus
Nürnberg und machen melodischen Hardcore, der eher im Punkigen als im
absolut Modernen wildert. Und für ein Debüt-Album ist das hier ziemlich
Und das sowohl vom Sound als auch vom Songwriting her. Die Platte klingt
gut, ist aber nicht überproduziert und stellt die Stärken des Quintetts
ganz gut in den Vordergrund. Und da fällt vor allem die Variabilität bei
den Vocals auf. Zwar haben sie einen „Hauptshouter“, der fies und
kratzig über die Songs bellt, aber auch die anderen Bandmitglieder
mischen immer mal wieder mit. Sei es mit kleinen Solo-Parts oder
drückenden Crewvocals. Und genau das gibt „Ambers & Ashes“ die nötige
Würze. Denn der Shouter allein würde auf Gesamtlänge ansonsten eventuell
ein wenig untergehen, weil die Stimme zwar cool ist, sich auf Dauer aber
dennoch etwas abnutzt.
Und genau diesen Fluss haben SAVE THE EMBERS auch im Songwriting. Zwar
verlassen sie nie großartig ihr eigenes Revier, halten die Songs aber
immer schön im Fluss und haben den ein oder anderen Kniff dabei, um die
Songs nicht zu vorhersehbar zu gestalten. Sie sind sehr gerne schnell
unterwegs, unterbrechen das aber immer wieder für drückende Midtempo-Parts
oder kleine Einschübe. Allerdings bleiben sie grundsätzlich immer
ziemlich melodisch. Sei es durch harmonische Oktaven über den Akkorden,
einem Refrain oder auch mal einem Solo.
Mir persönlich gefällt vor allem die Geschwindigkeit und das die
Nürnberger (gegründet 2008) nicht im modernen Mosh wildern und mit ihrer
Platte eher dem klassischen, melodischen Hardcore huldigen, aber dennoch
nicht nach einem Abziehbild klingen. Das bekommen sie vor allem durch
die ziemlich hohe Energie hin, die sich durch die komplette Platte zieht.
Und damit schaffen sie es sogar, ab und zu richtig mitreißend zu klingen.
7/10 - burn your ears
SAVE THE EMBERS come from Nuremberg and make melodic hardcore, the
poaching rather in punk as in absolutely modern. And for a debut album
that's pretty consistent here.
And that both the sound and from her songwriting. The album sounds good,
but is not produced and provides the strengths of the quintet quite well
to the fore. And falls on particularly the variability in the vocals.
Although they have a "main shouter" barking nasty and itchy about the
songs, but also the rest of the band mix from time to time with again.
Be it with small solo parts or oppressive Crew vocals. And that is
"Ambers & Ashes" spiciness. Because the shouter alone would otherwise
possibly be lost in total length a bit, because the voice is indeed
cool, but still wears a meaningful and sustainable.
And exactly this river have SAVE THE EMBERS in songwriting. Although
they never leave great their own ground, keep the songs but always
beautiful in the river and have it one or the other trick, not to make
the songs too predictable. They are very happy to go fast, interrupt but
always for pushing midtempo parts or small bays. However, they generally
remain quite melodic. Be it. By harmonic octaves above the chords, a
chorus or sometimes a solo
Personally, I particularly like the speed and the Nuremberg (founded in
2008) do not compete in the modern Mosh and with their plate rather pay
homage to the classic, melodic hardcore, yet not sound like a decal.
That they get out mainly by the fairly high energy that runs through the
entire plate. And so they even do it, from time to time sound to really

(DL31) SAVE THE EMBERS - Embers &
Melodic hardcore from Germany
here, an accurate bout of blowing belligerence that needs much time from
this Fungalised Fruit as it pounds with much fluster and bluster and has
many layers that appear to need a good old peeling. It is a CD I got
from the kind bods at Deadlamb Records, a good label with a good ethos
and an undying spirit (take note). Right, no time to flap my wings, no
time to scratch my sphincter - in I throw my all, striving to sum things
up as best as I possibly can.
The CD opens with 'Let It Go' and 'Everett', and after a brief unified
holler, a crunch of the wires and a stick military trundle the songs
explode into pastures of power with a swift trenchant tonality borne of
schools of sound from the more modern era. What stops this opening
double ended burst from becoming a technical convolution many twanging
twats seem to get drawn into is the fact it has a direction based on
focus, harsh heaving and with an 'all for one' aspect that real appeals
to the punk ticker. The band exhibit a cohesion and impermeable accent
that will cross the cacophonic boards and draw in many sonically sozzled
spiked heads to the overall foray. The hungry gobbage, the barbed and
tautly pulled weavings have me sitting up and preparing for what else is
to come. A good opening and into track 3 I plunge with 'From Red To
Grey' starting with subdued tones before ascending higher, finding a
balance and then letting go with a full throttle roar fest that blazes
with an incandescent heat not to be denied. The power arrangement is
tight, the tangents subtle, the desire blatant and so, after many
rotations I am erecting my thumbs here and appreciating the robust and
talent-ridden offering that blows with good effective force.
'Day By Day' quickly tub rolls, twinges forth and then hot-roasts along
with continued thermality borne from the previous ditty. My concerns of
another repeat trick are banished as the crew move through a more
spacious moment that exposes contrast and takes us into different
realms. The vibe is positive, the lyrical content equally so and urges
that you get up, do and avoid a life of idle apathetic pointlessness. I
appreciate that! Onwards and '14th Of Five' follows the set trend,
creates a storm and lets fly with many elements. The collection of
colliding and complimentary corruptions bounce around within a tight
kernel of musical goodness with the inner nut of noise loaded with
flavours that take time to be fully appreciated. The animation within
this offering and the unifying moments that are interspersed with
soaring releases of majestic insight all reveal a unit very much on form
and nailing what they set out to achieve. Combustible, oozing potential
and still with a chance of crossing the sub-scene bridges of restriction
- here's hoping!
A fast batch of 3 sees me tackle 'Benchmarks', a song that skewers in,
unravels with grace, set a scene and then gallop to the encouraging
shouts and vigorous bounce of the commanders at the helm. Again the
recipe contains many acoustic herbs and a single toss around the palate
will not suffice. Over and over one must roll the rhythms and finally
make a decision. Patience is tested and that may be the only drawback
but, other than that...the band do what they do mighty well, albeit more
of a particular ilk it seems. 'Crawl' follows the set route but doesn't
seem to have any regularity and just wanders in to many directions for
its own good. Musically the band are testing themselves and that is no
bad thing but they must understand that this will leave some
eavesdropping 'erberts behind in their wake. I am one of those and even
though I sense the usual precision this one fails to tickle the chuff.
'The Infeasible' operates inside a box, kicks off the lid and eventually
resonates with warning slant. The pulsations wors, the harmonies live,
the tweaks and twangs are non-too hindering and as the development of
the discordant comes and the embryo blooms into a finished product one
is applauding yet more clinical control - have it!
The last 3 and 'Associated Sidekicks (Friends For Life)', 'My Great
Revelation' and 'Homecoming' all add cream to your hefty cake of
yum-scrum cacophonic listening and if you have liked your episode of
melodic mastication thus far you will finish on a veritable high here.
Personally I think the first song fucks around too much, flushes itself
down too many U-Bends and delays the point it is trying to make. I am
sure many good comrades will embrace the sound and each other but I just
ain't having this one. The second cut throws initial punches from all
angles before finding its focus and jabbing and jarring in good equal
measure. The final fling is serious shit with uproar and belting riffage
all throwing itself headlong into an already fractured wall that has
taken a serious kicking over the length of this clinical CD. At this
stage you are either in or out, silent or ready to shout - I am a mere
reviewer trying to capture something elusive.
A tidy band this who certainly put the hours into delivering their work.
The touches of the Front that claim to be Agnostic are many, the strict
skater essences and Epitath-esque nuances noticeable but hey, there
ain't nowt original and if a band do it well you gotta tip your titfer -
how's that