(DL39) ZOOPARTY - Lardass
ZOOPARTY kommen aus Schweden und
machen nicht nur knackigen, treibenden Punkrock, sondern mit ihrem neuen
Album auch einen großen Schritt nach vorn. Gab es auf ihren bisherigen
Scheiben immer mal wieder die eine oder andere schlichtere Nummer, ist
jetzt jeder der zwölf Songs ein Knaller für sich.
Das mag nicht zuletzt an der Unterstützung liegen, die sich die Schweden
bei den Aufnahmen ins Boot holten: So spielte Glen Matlock von den SEX
PISTOLS bei zwei Liedern den Bass, Brian James (THE DAMNED) bei zwei
weiteren Songs die Gitarre und Bruce Kulick (früher Gitarrist bei KISS)
war bei „Hardcore“ mit von der Partie.
Verfügen offensichtlich über gute Kontakte, die Jungs (oder ausreichende
finanzielle Mittel). Dabei haben ZOOPARTY dieses Namedropping eigentlich
gar nicht nötig. Songs wie „Set the world on fire“ oder „You don’t know
me“ machen einfach Spaß und animieren zum Mitgrölen.
Wer auf klassischen britischen Punkrock, gepaart mit skandinavischem
Rock’n’Roll im Stil von GLUECIFER steht, der kommt hier voll auf seine
Kosten, sollte aber nicht allzu lange warten. Die LP ist auf 300
Exemplare limitiert.
Achim Lüken
© by
Ox-Fanzine / Ausgabe #138 (Juni/Juli 2018) - 8/10
ZOOPARTY are from Sweden and not only
make crisp, driving punk rock, but with their new album also a big step
forward. Every now and then there was one or the other simpler number on
each of their previous albums, now each of the twelve songs is a blast
for themselves.
That may not be due to the support that the Swedes took on the
recordings: Glen Matlock from the SEX PISTOLS played the bass for two
songs, Brian James (THE DAMNED) for two more songs the guitar and Bruce
Kulick ( former guitarist at KISS) was part of "Hardcore".
Obviously have good contacts, the boys (or sufficient funds). ZOOPARTY
actually do not need this name dropping. Songs like "Set the world on
fire" or "You do not know me" are just fun and encourage you to join in
the fun.
If you like classic British punk rock, paired with Scandinavian
rock'n'roll in the style of GLUECIFER, you'll love it here, but do not
wait too long. The LP is limited to 300 copies.
Achim Lüken
© by
Ox-Fanzine / Ausgabe #138 (Juni/Juli 2018) - 8/10

(DL39) ZOOPARTY - Lardass
Part of me wants to ignore that this
record goes to lengths to let you know it’s “Swedish Punk with special
guests Glen Matlock (Sex Pistols), Brian James (Damned), and Bruce
Kulick (Grand Funk Railroad/Kiss).” There’s a lot to unpack there.
Kulick was the fourth guitar player in Kiss, one who never wore makeup
and played during a time when it was particularly difficult to get
noticed in Kiss. He was also in a (sort of) proto punk band called The
Good Rats, a band that probably won’t appeal across the board, but
they’re a band way more interesting to know about than Kiss in ‘84. I’m
glad Glen Matlock is staying busy, but it’s also hard to distinguish
yourself as a guest bassist. I paid attention to the bass on the songs
he played on. It was fine. He’s a great bass player. Which brings me to
the highlight of the album: Brian James’ guitar solo on “Everything I
Failed to Be.” The solo is excellent. Everything I told you about the
guests on this record is more interesting than the record itself, which
is fine pop punk with competent hints of mainstream, big-vocal hardcore.
None of it much scratches the surface for me. –Billups Allen

(DL39) ZOOPARTY - Lardass
Zoo Party are a fine band, they
produce music of a zested variety, are always on the Fungal radar and
have brought me untold pleasure with their quick-fire and highly fruited
sound. The outfit is a 3-piece, they hail from Sweden, have 3 albums
under their belts (all reviewed by yours truly), and have been witnessed
plying their trade with good vigour and magnetising effect. This album
is released on Deadlamb Records, a fine affair ran by quality geezers
doing it the right way. It all sounds good, my honest streak and fair
judgement shall not be swayed though, I go in hopeful but not bent!
'Lardass' begins, has a wonderful uplifting riffery that sets the sonic
sensors to high alert and has one pogoing with passion to the zipping
and irresistible vibrations thrown one's way. The words involved are
honest, thoughtful and against the takers and twats in this life who
thrive on others misery. This an all-round encouraging construction
moving with joy de vivre and thirst for the task at hand. The gushing
waters are foamed, the band create a mix that is crisp, animated and,
most importantly, lucid. A sparkling opener, just what was needed and
continuing the standard set over the previous 3 albums. 'Two Different
Sets Of Rules' is a crisp and well breezed rip up against the injustice
of it all and the prejudice we find in many circles. A stop and start
opening, a thrust of vitality laden goodness and we stomp along with
much gumption and hit many fine and dandy highs along the way. Zoo Party
have a zip, move with pepped panache, have the ability to maintain
lucidity whilst galloping with purpose - it is a good angle to the
output and this second number, although not as effective as the first,
is still magnetic listening matter!
A toss around the tympanics, a very stated chorus and a regulated run
through of the first verse sees 'Set The World On Fire' go through
reliable motions and come out the other end with shit-free credit. It is
a very safe and stable song, the band roll with a pumping flow, pulse
with a punctuated temperament and make sure the core of the song is
never strayed from. 'You Don't Know Me' has a very Euro-flavour akin to
an 80's pop glamorisation that included a harmonious essence liable to
embrace the sing-a-long needs of the eavesdropping clientele. The
initial escalation is rinsed through and magnetic, the following river
rush bubbles and foams before hitting a calm spot on which we can dwell.
My thoughts are of a very inoffensive tipple that doesn't try to be
anything else than a sweet burst of riffed up music that relies on
clarity and clout and a coherent delivery - is this a bad thing?
'Don't Be Afraid Of Love' is a groovy chicken , cluck-stuttering with a
hugging charisma that serenades the softer side of the soul and gives
one a feeling of general brightness and hope. The tempo is mid-paced,
the affect is of poppish innocence with a care to keep all components
somewhat simple and refreshingly honest. This may not be everyone's
choice of punkism, whatever the fuck punk is these days it doesn't
matter, I like some pleasant material to tickle the neurones - this is
all well and dandy. 'No Point At All' starts in vibrant fashion, kicks a
good chunk of the rear and moves with a wonderful cleanliness of sound
that gives the listener a full-on experience of the ZP zest. The verse
has many points to take heed of, the chorus cuts blow a gale and toss
one about (as well as off) with energising accents. I am right in the
eye of the storm here, tis bloody marvellous. 'Everything I Failed To
Be' is a great titled and sums up the no-hope and the 'at a loss
situation' many of us have encountered at one time or, many others. The
song is a quirked oddity and despite having the usual pep in the engine
room and high level of string and skin activity this one comes across as
a simplistic wrap-around bubble-gum speedburst that needs little
microscopic investigation. Tis a free-wheeling roll-along, no bullshit,
no fuss - get on it, get over it or get the fuck outta here!
'Wake Up' screwdrives and drills with early vitality, sets about setting
an alarm-clock noise to invigorate the senses and makes sure one is not
dozing off anytime soon. And how dare they, this is a convincing effort
from the ZP lads and here again they play out a perky pusher of
persistent energy that really excites the most simplistic of receptors
and sets an 'alive and kicking' feeling in motion that never lets up
until the last blast out - smashing. 'Hardcore' is nothing of the sort
and belts away on expected riffery, a riffery full of high-blended
tonality making sure that each and every component gets a good sound
airing. You know the script, this effort sticks to it, don't expect
nothing new, just accept and enjoy. This isn't my favourite tune to
chomp on but it is still a wholesome listen, I shall let you delve
further and make up your own mind.
The last hat-trick, I make a dash for the tape and leave suggestions to
tantalise your aural taste buds. 'Hearts Don't Lie' is a crystal clear
effort and something of a cheap-track jollity that avoids complication
and just wanks itself off for the pure pleasure of it by using a
repeat-beat routine. Mixed and blended to a tee, not for me though.
'Shaken And Disturbed' is more like it, a strong multi-layered effort
that sees a subtle progression in the output with a serious edge to
proceedings whilst maintaining the expected power and professionalism.
The song is mid-paced, highly efficient and has a touch of darkness that
is neatly banished by a cloud-clearing chorus eruption done in fine
style. The soundscape is saturated, the Zoo Party Three come out of this
one with all flags of victory flying. We finish events with 'Your Truth
Is A Lie', a right riff loaded jaunt of pleasing magnitude that goes
through expected revolutions and gives us nothing new but a consistent
send off in keeping with the ZP style. The band could have taken a risk
here, they play it safe somewhat, I shall not be a bastard so late on
and leave this one on good terms.
Zoo Party are a highly efficient band, cruising through the tonal
spheres with ease and knocking out a very effective sound for people
like me and people like you. They have a good feeling going on within
their weavings, I find what they do most inoffensive - in my life of
honesty and toe-treading this is a blessing. If you haven't already -
check out the band please, and rock to some honest vibrations.

(DL39) ZOOPARTY - Lardass
Here are three dudes from Sweden that
sound like a gang of nine. That's three times density on this album, and
it's a solid one. "Set The World on Fire" and "Two Different Sets of
Rules" are both made to be included on "What I'm Listening to Now!" mix
tapes and punk radio playlists. The vocal-less intros on every song are
the fourth member of the band that everyone wants to hang out with after
the show. The hype is rebuilt every few minutes, and this band needs to
pat themselves on the back for perfecting their formula. Don't be thrown
off by the minimal album cover. This is a band that rocks, and not a
trashy Euro-trance dance party, as the cover may suggest. For reference,
if you like the BOUNCING SOULS, you will love this. (Ryan Hertel)
Maximum Rock N'Roll

(DL39) ZOOPARTY - Lardass

(DL39) ZOOPARTY - Lardass
Having graced Blackpool’s Rebellion
Festival five times and with an 11th UK tour scheduled for June, Zooparty have
only gone and dropped an A-Bomb of a new album entitled Lardass. Don’t let the
title fool you into thinking there’s a display of comedy on show, as Zooparty
specialise in catchy pop punk, and I ain’t referring to the likes of Blink 182.
This Swedish ensemble are more akin to The Bouncing Souls and pogo friendly
tunes are their forte.
The title track sums up everything you need to know about Zooparty in a 2 minute
and 40 second blast. It’s all schoolyard chants over straight-up melodic punk
rock, right down the vocal coda of “na-na-na-na-naaaa- na.” You want high energy
singalong stuff? You got it!
As with previous outings, special guests are aplenty with Glen Matlock of the
Sex Pistols offering bass duties on You Don’t Know Me and Everything I Failed To
Be. Brian James of The Damned also adds licks to the latter as well as on Wake
Up. If that’s not enough then mid 80s to early 90s KISS guitarist Bruce Kulic
takes the lead on Hardcore. One thing’s for sure – vocalist Erik Petterson’s
little black book has paid dividends. Production kudos must go to Chips Kiesbye
too. The Nomads, Hellacopters, Michael Monroe knob twiddler makes the whole
thing sound huge.
If you like your punk with a pop edge and relish the classic Fat Wreck Chords
period, then with these 12 infectious slabs, Zooparty may well have created your
favourite album of 2018. Pogo, pogo! Ginge Knievil

(DL39) ZOOPARTY - Lardass
"Zooparty is back and as usual, there are guests like Brian James and
Glen Matlock, but this time, Bruce Kulick from Kiss have joined too.
Chips has produced and I can hear that because there are significant
Sator influences, but it does not interfere in any way. Musically, it is
the same nice style that ZooParty usually has and the title song
sometimes sounds like a tantalizing melody somewhere in the middle of
the song. There are also cool choirs and here are 77-punk, surf and
power pop mixed in a wonderful constellation. Set the world on Fire is a
punk is a song in early Boys spirit, I really like and I really like
ZooParty's attitude in the songs. You become really happy by the 12
songs on the disc and the one who does not buy this disc is probably
stupid in their head I think. There are no long songs just but it's no
longer necessary when you have quality. You don't know me sounds like a
Professionals song and I do not know if Matlock is on this (he was not
is that group at all). But it's a 12-piece album and I think everyone
can find their own favourite here. 27/3-2018"
Skrutt Magazine